Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fuzzy Logic in Suwon

Our Korean washing machine brand says it all: fuzzy logic. I've found that has been life thus far in this new, old city. This city of dicotomy lends a strange humor. My wide eyes feel wide with observation, my mind feels patient with a desire for understanding, my thoughts feel pacifyed and electrified at once.

The school that we're teaching at is on the seventh floor of a ten floor building. Being that high above the ground each day can do strange things to one's equilibrium. Though, this is all that I have to worry about as the people at our workplace and the students are all very kind. However, of course, a language barrier exists. And the barrier can feel large and difficult to break through. Though, I have a class that shares the Korean words for the English vocabulary that I have been teaching them. It feels good to give and take, and I appreciate this class the most. I feel a balance in sharing myself and the children sharing themselves.

I have found that within our first two weeks here, the most difficult part of adjusting to the new culture is in trying to find an understanding in an completely different tongue. Korean's speak very quietly for the most part, but their language permeates their land. I never realized this before: how much language defines a place and a place's people.

I am slowly learning the Hangul characters and a couple of phrases, but it's difficult not knowing the vocabulary, and I must selfishly admit: it's very relieving when someone begins to speak English to me.

A few nights ago, Anthony and I went to a traditional BBQ restaraunt, and a kind Korean man shared his greetings and his soju and tastes of his food with us. Our conversation mostly consisted of food talk, which is quite to common demonitator here. Food is very important in Korea; I've found that our days revolve around lunch and dinner and the relief in eating. The food is so refreshing and clean compared to Western food. Instead of feeling heavy and bloated, I feel nice and full and content. This is the least of the fuzzy logic.

The fuzzy logic more exists in misunderstanding, and in being stared at when there are white women in advertisements all about. Another part of the fuzzy logic is the misused English language on tee-shirts, advertisements, and signs. I've been meaning to keep a list of the best, but have only been keeping track by mind. I must keep a list, and I will dedicate a whole page to the list.

I'm sure that things will clear up a bit as time passes, but for now I remain in limbo with an understanding of my own existence beyond feeling filled up, and observational.

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