Monday, July 07, 2008

Identical Cousins

One of my most unique students is now something of a twin to me. I usually recieve a daily visit in the teacher's room from "Eric." He comes up to my desk, taps me on the shoulder, and says in that funny little voice of his, "TTTTTTTTTTTeeeeeacccchhhheeerrrrr... what day library day?"
I show him on the calendar when the class will next go to the library, and he smiles. Eric is known to the other students as "Radio Show Eric" because when it's his turn to read he uses a strange electronic sounding voice. Yesterday "Radio Show Eric" came up to me in the teacher's room with a big smile on his face. He was holding a pair of glasses, when he got up closer to me he put them on his face and smiled. Over the weekend he had gotten the same pair of specks as me. We both had a good laugh, and I requested a photograph with him. He was happy to pose, and even more happy to know that tomorrow is library day for his class.

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