Monday, December 31, 2007

The Shaba Shab Experience: What it is.

Thin strips of beef before they enter the cooking pot; these seemed to be rolled with precision. Something about the white lines and the repetition is somehow pretty.

The mixing pot that everything arrives in: sprouts, cucumbers, a variety of mushrooms, chives, cabbages, herbs, everything for deliciousness (save for the meat, which is added and cooked by the steaming broth and pot).

The dipping sauces for the meat, once cooked the meat can be eaten with chopsticks and dipped or scooped out with the rest of the soup, and put into an individual bowl. The sauces are wasabi and a peanut oil as Shab Shab is a mix between a Japanese and Vietnamese dish.

The banchan that is eaten while the meat is cooking or in between bites. Delicious sprouts mixed with chives and red pepper, shredded cabbage with french dressing, the staple kimchi, and shredded sweet onions.

The best part about the meal besides for the savory tastes was the little Korean boy who was at the table next to ours, he was just excited about eating Shab Shab as we were. When we were leaving he sang, "Shabba Shabba, Shab, Shab, Calguksu (noodles in soup)."

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