Saturday, December 15, 2007

On Friday night we decided to go out for social drinks. It snowed a lovely snow, which made for a nice walk to the foriegners' bar in Ingadong (a district over from where we live). While in our neighborhood we had a classic snowball fight that ended with me getting hit in the ear with a wet one. Then we went on our way to the Crazy Duck.

Someone had taken the time to make this papa and baby snowman in the park. They look as if they are celebrating the weekend, a little tilted, maybe dancing.

Once we arrived, there were plenty of drinks to be had. The night turned into silliness and seat dancing, with a friendly Canadian, Jeff.

The walk home was something of a blur with hamburgers and slushy shoes involved. Overall, it was a good way to start the weekend; too bad Saturday turned into a stretched out hangover.

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