Thursday, December 13, 2007

Statues on a Winter Day

The other day we took a nice winter walk through one of the parks near our neighborhood. The best thing about city parks is that there is always something lively going on: kids on bicycles, families taking walks, old friends sitting on benches talking quietly. What's even better about the city parks in Suwon is that the statues also poccess human character, and at times can seem alive themselves.

So many similiarities and differences exist between the woman statue and the sprawling buildings behind her. It's as if they are at once sisters in time.

Illustrations of mother and child here seem parallel to Christian icons. Though I'm not sure that Mother Mary would be dipicted with such a large and singular breast as with this statue. The mother and child appear to have been thought of in a cubist manner.

She is dreaming of diving. She's meant to dipict one of the Jeju do (an island in Korea) woman divers.

He is among my favorite of Korean images. He looks so serious, but can he really be that serious with the nature of his head? A protector though, he is.

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