Thursday, March 06, 2008

Spring Marches

The March air is more bearable at night than February. Strange, how in a little week, nighttime can feel like the daytime did, but days ago. Seeking some quiet, and a little bit of imagery change I took a nice walk tonight. The animals in the crane machines all begged to come along. Sadly, coinless, I had to leave them behind.

The birds were locked up in their birdhouse too. March is coming in like a lion as each creature calls for spring.

Tonight even the concrete prepares for the mating season.

Walking along, I found, no matter the season, the advertisements are what provide the most colour on the ground.

I almost stopped in for a beer at the local Hof house, but decided to drink wine at home instead. Cheers to the spring-time! Cheers to change!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

haha I just happened to get this blog while I was seaching "Suwon and Korean." Oh...anyway, I think you're getting involved in Korea. I hope you are always happy to live in Korea.